
09.12.2012 - 09.12.2012

Measuring Space


Ort Shanghai, China

Dauer 09.12.2012

Beteiligte Künstler*innen Konstantin Bayer / Enrico Freitag / Cau- casso Lee Jun / Huang Shichang / Lars Wild / Zhao Yang


CHOIR AND GALERIE EIGENHEIM presenting their first exhibition measuring space at Fuzou Rd. 19, Shanghai with following artists Zhao Yang (PRC), Lars Wild (GER), Huang Shichang (PRC), Enrico Freitag (GER), Caucasso Lee Jun (PRC) and Konstantin Bayer (GER) I Opening: 09.12.2012 at 8pm


About the Exhibition: measuring space as the title of the first exhibition at CHOIR is dedicated to the first experiences, that have to be made ​​in a new environment. As a Winebar as well as a gallery, the dimension of the space needs to be experienced in a physical and psychological process. How many steps it takes to get from the entrance to the bar counter? Who to move most elegant through tables and chairs, which walls and sight lines are particularly suitable for presentation of art? First experiences in a new place are formative. First nights with wine, conversation and art, among the owners and visitors are like a research on how the prearragements have succeeded. But also the art has to fit into the space as the space to the art! This needs to be meassured as well. Viewing habits have to be shaped, and everybody have to develop a feeling for how walls and spaces are suitable for the presentation of what kind of art. But not at least we have to thank the artists for their confidence. They had no chance in advance to measure the room with the help of other works of art. Measuring space as a exhibition titel is a kind of active not  finised prozess what in a way says a lot about how we understand the work between the venue and artists. We want the artists taking part in the process of overcoming the space. With your works we started a kind of first set-up and we want to thank all participating artists for the trust and participating in these first measurement of the space. Anyway, we are honored and looking forward to long nights, initial feedback, and of course the pleasures of wine and art.


Galerie Eigenheim and Choir: Good friendship over many national boundaries is in addition to the mutual interest in contemporary art and the desire to provide a space for art and communication, a basis for the cooperation between CHOIR from Shanghai (China) and Galerie Eigenheim from Weimar (Germany). The combination of wine bar and gallery space as visual and culinary delight is without question a mutual enrichment. The goal is to present international and national art in regularly changing exhibitions in addition to serving international wine. The fundamentally sympathetic attitude can already understand in both of the institutions names. The name CHOIR thus forming a community that acts together, having a closed outward communication, acting for an audience. This is an image which deeply corresponds with the basic idea of Galerie Eigenheim, which means something like „Your Own Home Gallery“. Thus, a space is created in which the guests feel well and warmly welcome, in which they can express themselves freely to encourage discourse, supported by the present of art  and perhaps also because of wine consumption. So we can look forward to a collaboration which, at best, forms an intellectual community which inspires each other as well as to stimulate debates and at least having a good time.



Galerie Eigenheim

WEIMAR EIGENHEIM Weimar / Asbachstrasse 1, 99423 Weimar / weimar@galerie-eigenheim.de
projects EIGENHEIM projects / various locations / projects@galerie-eigenheim.de
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