
27.01.2007 - 31.01.2007

Darryn Harkness 

“Relativity”Darryn Harkness and The Institute Of Telepathic Research In Association 

With NEW TELEPATHICS present “Relativity”
An installation of sound works and performance, including self built experimental instruments

Ort EIGENHEIM Weimar / Asbachstrasse 1, 99423 Weimar

Eröffnung 27.1.2007 

Dauer 27.1.07 - 31.1.07


Darryn Harkness - “Relativity”Darryn Harkness and The Institute Of Telepathic Research In Association With NEW TELEPATHICS present “Relativity”: An installation of sound works and performance, including self built experimental instruments – where each sound work, instrument and the space itself aims to explore the potential of communication through music.from 5:30 til 6:30pm Darryn Harkness solo - the recorded collision of sound works, improvised performance and atmosphere – where each days performance is recorded over the previous, producing a CD after the 5th day.

30.01.2007 NEW TELEPATHICS, a fully improvised set
31.01.2007 NEW TELEPATHICS, further improvisations featuring very special guests
01.02.2007 NEW TELEPATHICS, guitar-, bass- and drum-based songs and resonance calculations
03.02.2007 NEW TELEPATHICS bring their arrangements, songs, improv, live loops and further rhythm and tone research
03.02. - 11.02.2007 Darryn Harkness taking an artistic vacation at the Eigenheim Galerie, making music and feeling quite good about it.
11.02.2007 Kurzfilmnacht in der Galerie Eigenheim with commentary from resident artist Darryn Harkness.


Galerie Eigenheim

WEIMAR EIGENHEIM Weimar / Asbachstrasse 1, 99423 Weimar / weimar@galerie-eigenheim.de
projects EIGENHEIM projects / various locations / projects@galerie-eigenheim.de
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